
Home Blackjack

Welcome to the GameMaster’s blackjack repository. This section will detail all guides written by the GameMaster including his insights on strategy, card counting, money management and more.

Blackjack School

A great place for beginners and advanced players, this has been refined by Ken Smith and published at Blackjackinfo, another wonderful resource for Blackjack enthusiasts.

Blackjack Series

Multiple-card Soft Hands

Of course, even a two-card hand where one card is an Ace is a multiple-card soft hand, but players who have memorized the proper basic […]

18 Jan 2019
$100 An Hour at Blackjack

I’ve been emailing back and forth with a reader who’s in his mid-fifties and is about to kiss Corporate America goodbye. Because he’s had some […]

17 Jan 2019
$20 an Hour at Blackjack

What you can make per hour at a Blackjack game is basically a combination of three factors: your overall advantage, your average bet size and […]

17 Jan 2019